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Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP) Summary
Willagillespie Community School

After a successful five year school improvement process and plan for 2010-2014 Willagillespie Community School transitioned to a Comprehensive Achievement Plan as the process for determining and documenting school improvement. The change came about in relationship to our role as a targeted Title 1 School in Eugene School District 4J. The Oregon Department of Education and US Department of Education require Title schools to submit a CAP and use it to document school improvement efforts.

Willagillespie staff and site council members developed the current CAP during the 2014-15 school year and began work on fulfilling the goals given below in the 2015-16 school year. Work continues in 2016-17 and beyond, as the CAP is a continuous improvement-planning tool. Progress and amendments to the plan are reported on and made through ongoing review, reflection and input from staff and site council members.

4 Indicator Domains for Willagillespie Comprehensive Achievement Plan

  1. District and School Climate and Culture (DSC)
  2. Educator Effectiveness (EE)
  3. Family and Community Involvement (FC)
  4. Teaching and Learning (TL)

4 CAP Objectives (i.e. school improvement goals)

  • DSC 1.1 The school principal and staff work together to create a safe, respectful, culturally inclusive environment with consistent school rules and expectations.
  • EE 2.1 All instructional staff at the school collaboratively plan for sound instruction in a variety of instructional modes.
  • FC 3.1 School staff create and maintain a welcoming environment for all families and community members.
  • TL 4.1 All instructional staff at the school engage in aligning instruction and local assessments to state standards.